Reformed Christian Dating Site

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Reformed Christian Dating Site

Fall in love for all the right reasons. Find God’s match for you. Dating sites beckoned me with hope-filled slogans like these from eHarmony and Christian Mingle. As clouds of doubt about remarriage after divorce rolled away, I pondered a new question: As a Christian, is the internet an appropriate venue for seeking a mate? Would it be forcing things, a sort of manipulation or control by my own will and desires? After all, if it’s God’s will for me to have a new husband, He could easily plop one on my doorstep, right? Where could I possibly meet this man, or, how could this elusive godly man find me?

What we mean by “Evangelical”. The word “evangelical” comes from the Greek word meaning “good news.”. For years, it identified those believers who held to the basic Christian doctrines (i.e., the Trinity, the Deity of Christ, the Resurrection & the Judgment of all men, etc.). In the course of history, however, words change.

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord. Proverbs 18:22

I thought it would be nothing short of a miracle to remarry. Dating (hate that concept- perhaps another blog post) and falling in love (I hate that phrase, too) is for the young. Mid-life dating is hard. God intended mating for youth. He designed it that way. Young people are at their physical peak with sharp minds, boundless energy and hormones flowing. Cruising profiles when you’re over forty and beyond is quite a gamble. You are bidding on a used, worn, scarred wretch. There’s a paunch you didn’t participate in. Gray hair that happened without your assistance. A history you did not share. What can possibly spark a relationship?

  1. Reformed Singles. November 27, 2012. Please welcome Tim652w (m 52) to Like Comment Share. View 3 more comments. Eric Bouwman Angie Lang.
  2. Reformed Theology. Find out what's happening in Reformed Theology Meetup groups around the world and start meeting up with the ones near you. Join Reformed Theology groups. Related topics: Theology.
  3. The Short Version: Since 2004, Sovereign Grace Singles has maintained a dedicated community for Reformed Christian singles seeking a soul mate. This niche dating site may be small, but it can offer true believers a meaningful opportunity to meet people who share the same religious beliefs and family values.
  4. Christian Calvinistic Reformed Singles Online Dating Site When Calvinism Comes to Dating I heard Eugene Osterhaven wonder if some take the Kuyperian world-and-life-view too far.

Never mind physical attributes. I wanted a man after God’s own heart – a tall order. I dabbled in various sites for several years while hope waned.

This is just a sampling of “Christian” dating sites I tried.

  • eHarmony– The ultimate psychobabble dating site! There were tests to take and personality analyses. How could this go wrong? I just loved the Must Haves and Must Have Nots. Yet my matches on here proved to be So Wrong and Do Not Want.
  • Christian Cafe – Pour me a latte! This site sounded so inviting. I had dozens of conversations here while having a cuppa joe or maybe some vino. Unfortunately, this is mainly an Arminian Cafe. I’ll take it further and say it’s a Charismatic Cafe. I wanted a date, not a debate.
  • Christian Mingle – Here, I was mingling under a very large Christian umbrella. Okay, there were a few nice men. But beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. After a phone conversation, I knew one man was definitely not for me. He gave subtle hints of being unsaved. When he wanted to meet in person, I wrote him a nice email explaining that I didn’t feel we were a good match. He wrote me back and said he didn’t bleep need me because he went out with a bleep bleep younger woman last night and had great bleep so much that he bleep bleep couldn’t care less about me and then he insulted my physical attributes. Honestly, I was terrorized. So much for mingling with Christians in name only.

The witless discussion about soul mates common to these dating sites was pure silliness. Marriage between two believers makes them soul mates. William Gouge, in A Holy Vision for a Happy Marriage (part of the Building a Godly Home series) states that husbands and wives have a mutual duty: to seek the good of one another’s soul and help “forward the growth of grace in each other”. God creates soul mates when we enter into a covenant marriage with Him.

Reformed Christian Dating Sites

Furthermore, egalitarianism was blatantly evident in these dating sites. Both male and female are equal in God’s sight, but they have very different roles. Bible believing Christians should remember God created woman for man. She is designed to be his helpmeet. As I studied marriage the way God intended, I prayed in a different way. My prayers gradually morphed from selfish whining to asking if there was a godly man who needed me. Then I discovered a Reformed Christian dating site. It wasn’t long after, my prayer was answered. Continue reading

Sovereign Grace Singles. Sovereign Grace Singles is a Christian Dating site. Find your soul mate. We bring single Reformed men and women together for the...

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Totally Free Christian Dating Sites

  • Sovereign Grace Singles - the site for conservative Reformed singles!

  • A Meeting Place for Like-Minded, Reformed Believers

  • 5 ways to use this site: Search for members by age, location, denomination, and other criteria Browse members Start or join a discussion on our forums Strike up a private message conversation and ...

  • 4 years

    Many of our members have requested that when you click on a member to view details about them - their page would default to the profile tab rather than the activity tab. This change has been made and is now live on the site.
    The post View Member Now Defaults to Profile appeared first on Sovereign Grace Singles....

  • 4 years

    The search on Christian Affiliation has not been functional since the transition to the new website. There have been some changes made behind the scenes and Christian Affiliation can now be searched successfully.
    The post Search On ‘Christian Affiliation’ appeared first on Sovereign Grace Singles....

  • 4 years

    A number of our members let us know that search on the field 'Looking For' was not returning the correct results. This has now been resolved.
    We have also updated profiles to display a member's Age rather than their DOB special info.
    The post DOB & Search On ‘Looking For’ Resolved appeared first on Sovereign Grace Singles....

  • 4 years

    We have recently received some comments from members about the 'Stream'. This was a much loved activity stream on the old site that showed new pictures, events, and status updates. Some members have been concerned that the stream is missing from the...

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