Best Online Dating Profiles

For most men online dating involves messaging tons of women and rarely (if ever) hearing anything back. But men with the best online dating profiles have a completely different experience. They don’t need to send out tons of messages in order to get women to message them. If you’d like to have that same experience – and wake up to a flood of messages from interested women – be sure to follow these tips on how to create a great online dating profile.

  1. For dating online, both men and women need to have a good knowledge about how to write a dating profile. This profile will help people know what kind of person you are and what are your interests and expectations. How to Create a Dating Profile. The most important of all tips is that the profile must be short and concise.
  2. Of course, it’s not always easy to strike profile gold. You may see profiles you like regularly, but sometimes it’s hard to tell what makes them pop. Today, we’re going to show you some good dating profiles to copy or at least help you make an inspired profile for yourself. Here are seven good online dating profiles to copy and make your own.
  3. Show off your successes online and enjoy the potential of dating with confidence, knowing that you know your credit score. Whatever you do, use your credit in the way that works for you. Be proud of it – and love how it helps you look great and get access to the.

Finding great pictures

A great dating profile starts with great pictures. Ideally you want to use pictures taken with a high-quality camera as it will help you look as attractive as possible. From there you want to use a variety of pictures that show different sides of you. For example, a picture where you’re well-dressed and stoically looking away from the camera is a great for showing women that confident, attractive side. Adding another picture that has you smiling will let women see that you’ve got a warm, friendly side as well.


Best Online Dating Profiles For Guys

Of course, the best online profiles don’t just show women what a guy looks like – they show women what his lifestyle is like. Pictures of you having a good time with your friends, traveling, doing the hobbies/activity you enjoy, or even you hanging out with a pet can all be used to attract women to your lifestyle. Silly pictures, like you dressed up for Halloween, are also great additions for showing women that you have a fun life.

How to talk about yourself

The best online dating profiles don’t contain lists of facts and traits that tell women what the guy is like. Instead, the best online dating profiles show women what a guy is like. For example, rather than saying something like “I’m fun” or “I like having fun with friends”, use a sentence or two and briefly describe a recent fun time you had with your friends. Show her what fun looks like. Really paint a picture in her mind and get her to feel the emotion you want to convey. This will make your profile stand out and really stick with her.

Best Online Dating Profiles Sample

By text-mining online dating profiles they were able to find the words and topics that resulted in the most attention. And what they found was surprising—there were a few words here and there that got a small lift ( laugh and honest were two that came up often) but the most popular word by far was.

How to talk about your job

Most men don’t know how to talk about their work in way that’s interesting to women. But guys with the best online dating profiles are able to make their jobs sound fascinating – no matter what their job might be. Luckily, the trick to making your job sound interesting is a simple one. Rather than talking about what you do, talk about how your work impacts others.

Best Online Dating Profiles

For example, saying “I’m an accountant” and going into details on the day-to-day life of being an accountant isn’t going to be interesting to women. However, saying something like “I help people organize their finances so they can spend more time with their kids” makes that job interesting. It shows you’re more than just a job title, and that you’re a man with a heart who makes a positive impact on those around you.

Keeping a positive tone to your profile

A lot of the men who have online dating profiles give off the impression that they are lonely and desperate. The best online dating profiles however, have a completely different tone. They have a tone that shows a man who has choice in his dating life.

To create this tone you want to take the perspective that there are tons of women out there interested in dating you at this very moment. Online dating isn’t a chance for you to “sell” yourself and convince women to date you; it’s a chance to filter out women until you find the right one. Take this attitude before you sit down and write your profile (or before you send out a message) and it’ll completely change the way you write. You’ll have an easier time thinking of great things to say and you’ll naturally come across as a high-value man who has choice in his dating life.

How to get the girl you want

You can take this even further and even get women chasing you by being specific and calling out exactly what you want in a woman and a relationship. If you want a girl who will go rock climbing every weekend, say that in your profile. If you’re looking for a girl who loves Tim Burton movies, mention it. When you are specific about exactly what you want in a girl and a relationship, then woman who meet that description and will be blown away when reading your profile. (For more on how to find the right girl and weed out the rest, check out this online dating advice article on red flags to look for in a woman’s profile.)

The importance of a good username

Guys who pick boring (or worse, depressing) usernames chase women away instantly. The best online dating profiles however, contain usernames that capture a woman’s interest. So when picking a username be sure to avoid names like “lastchance33” or “lonelyguy47”. Instead, get women interested in you by selecting a name that’s positive and upbeat. Pick something playful and just have fun with it. Try using a nickname you once had or even a phrase or lyric you like. A username can hook a girl instantly, so it’s worth making it a good one.


How to create the best profile

Best Online Dating Profiles For Men

Creating a killer online profile takes time and you may not do it on your first try. It’s a good idea then, to make multiple profiles across multiple sites. That way you can test out different pictures, different descriptions, etc. You may even want to create a fake online dating profile of a female just so you can check out what other guys are putting up in their profiles. By exploring the profiles men put up you’ll get a better sense of what the best online dating profiles look like and how you can improve your own profile.

Sample Dating Profiles For Women


More tips for online dating

Best Online Dating Profiles For Females Examples

If you want to dive into more detail on how to create the best online dating profile, you’ll definitely want check out the Art of Charm podcast with online dating expert Adam Gilad.